Let’s finish what was started

Bring hope and change lives.
One building at a time.

All over the world, well-intentioned mission groups begin construction projects to help churches and communities in need. But often, the group’s time or funding runs out before construction is complete. This leaves the local church and community with a partially constructed building it has no way to finish without outside help.
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Mission Hammer

We’re on a mission to finish what was started.

Since 2004, Finish the Work has been completing unfinished churches and other community buildings that have been left in some phase of construction without a plan or funding for completion. Our inspiration comes from Paul’s words to the church in Corinth, “Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.” (II Cor. 8:11) Our name is derived from the story of Nehemiah and his vision to finish the work around Jerusalem, which had fallen into disrepair.

Where to Find Us

We focus on projects in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean in order to maximize our ability to use local materials and equip community members.
1) Belize
2) Honduras
3) Nicaragua
4) Costa Rica
5) Barbados
6) Trinidad
Man Painting


In 2004, a group of men from a church in Charlotte, NC, went to Barbados on a construction mission trip. They spent seven days working on a 12,000 ft2 building that had been in some phase of construction for 12 years.

After additional trips and much progress, founder Joel Davis felt called to start a ministry that focused on completing unfinished projects in a timely manner. Finish the Work was born and later returned to Barbados with 39 people from 9 churches to finish the original project together. Since that time, Finish the Work has completed many more projects, finishing an average of one building project per year.

Team Members

Gathering teams

For each project, we send 4 separate teams of volunteers to serve one week each. The weeks are scheduled back-to-back, and each team picks up right where the prior week’s team left off until the project is completed.

We use volunteers of all skill levels. Not sure you have enough skill to be helpful? Don’t worry. We can turn anyone into a construction helper for a week. If you can hold a broom or a paint brush, we have a job for you!

Smiling Locals

Empowering locals

Finish the Work provides a project coordinator who remains onsite for the duration of the project. The coordinator works closely with the local partnering organization, educating and equipping the pastor or community leader with relevant construction and maintenance information.

We source materials in-country, & we hire local laborers to work alongside our volunteers. Our projects are not branded as Finish the Work buildings. These buildings belong to the local church and community, and we work hard to preserve and honor their ownership throughout the process.

Building Under Construction

Finishing construction

We take on projects that are already in some phase of construction and are within a scope that we can complete within a reasonable time. We focus our efforts in Central and South America and the Caribbean; we have finished construction projects in countries including Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Barbados.