Movie Night

March 10, 2015

decorating bags     sofia

polishing nails    kids and bags

This year, Finish the Work added something special to their weekly mission trip agenda – a family movie night. The movie night was included to engage the community and take the fun “up a notch.”

Volunteers on the mission trips have enjoyed sharing the movie, about Jesus, with the children in the communities – Honduras and Costa Rica.

For many of the community members, this is their first time viewing a movie, so it has been quite a treat for everyone!

The first week in Costa Rica, the team had a pre-movie event where kids decorated book bags, painted nails, and had fun with beach balls, and then they showed the movie. After the movie, 16 children gave their hearts to Christ – praise God!

Pastor Eladio is excited to use movie night as a way to draw non-believers to church and Christ over the next few weeks.