Stories from the Field: Marty’s Story

May 1, 2015

“As we drove away from the project site for the last time…

I was thinking about how much I was going to miss all of the wonderful people I met during the week. It amazed me that, even though I couldn’t speak the language, I could still feel the appreciation and love from the people of the church for what we were doing for them. Every time we came together with them, we were greeted with huge smiles and big hugs – the kind of hugs when you just wanted to linger the embrace – feeling the love of God.

The thing that touched me the most was toward the end of the trip, when some of the youth presented us with wooden plaques they made for us with the Finish the Work logo on them. It was a very simple gift, but the fact that the church members had lovingly taken their time to hand-craft these for us brought tears to my eyes. It will always be a treasured reminder, a special church, and the people I came to love there.

Another blessing for me was the opportunity to pray over the doors that would be going into all of the classrooms. The Pastor has such a heart for the children of the community and knew that many would enter through those doors for many years to come; because of this, we felt it was important to pray over the doors they would be entering every Sunday.

This was my third trip with Finish the was and, as usual, I came home being more blessed and touched by the people of Costa Rica than I’m sure they were by me. Finish the Work has been such a blessing to my husband and I. He was was not able to go on the trip this year, but I felt perfectly comfortable going without him because of the organization and planning done by FTW.”


Author, Marty Sikes, First Baptist of Weddington