Stories from the Field: Lynn’s Story

May 27, 2015

“I just wanted to email and tell you how blessed and grateful I feel to have been a part of the Team 2 trip to Costa Rica. It is so hard to put into words what my heart experience.

The entire week was wonderful: Helen and “the boys” and their delicious meals, Eladio and Carlos and ALL the church (especially the youth), Camp Brittney, getting locked in the bathroom, all the hills and “will the bus make it?,” Kimmie and Toy’s engagement, kayaking, MARIA, just way too much to ever express. We laughed, we cried, prayed, sweated, laughed, ate, cried, danced, ate, hugged, and hugged some more! It  was such a blessing to be there.

Thank you for the experience and for what Finish the Work is doing. I feel like I made fast friends with most of the group. We share a bond that will bind our hearts forever. Thank you SO much. I hope everyone else enjoyed their trip as well.

If you see Luisa,  a grandmotherly woman who HUGS everyone, tell here Lynn said, “Hello.” We nicknamed her Mama Hugs.

I can hardly wait to see the pictures, so keep posting them!”

Lynn Hinson – Costa Rica, Team 2