Partner Update: 9/30

September 30, 2015

Dear Partner,

You are receiving this update because you have either partnered with Finish the Work by praying for the ministry, giving towards our financial need or being a participant on a trip. As some of you may already know, Finish the Work is implementing a new management structure that involves the creation of leadership teams led by the members of the Board of Directors. These teams will share the ministry responsibility and allow us to experience healthier growth in the days ahead.

The Development Team has been tasked with shaping how we engage with different audiences and working with the Outreach Team to ensure that each touch is purposeful and meaningful. In the past, our events attempted to cater to people who had never heard of Finish the Work, as well as seasoned veterans simultaneously. Additionally, our events did not effectively engage with churches or corporations. This year, we are going things differently.

A new three-year partnership with Carolina Courts allowed us to complete our first even under this new model: The Finish the Work Basketball Tournament.

This event allowed us to partner with the corporate community and introduce Finish the Work to many families who were not aware of the ministry.

A special thanks goes out to Rodgers Builders and Edifice General Contractors, our co-sponsors for this inaugural event. That’s right – two competing general contractors coming together to support a worth cause! Take a look here to see the full listing of companies who rallied for this event.

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I am proud to announce that Edifice won the tournament and will proudly display the tournament plaque in their office and retain bragging rights for the next twelve months.

We are already working on the 2016 tournament. If you would like to participate on the tournament event team or know a company who would be interested in this event, please contact Joel Davis at

We revealed our trip for next year in June 2015 to allow for more time for promotion and signups. This tournament has taken the place of the auction. Therefore, we will not be hosting a reveal auction this year.

Last year, over $16,000 was donated from the reveal event outside of the auction proceeds. A portion of those donations were given by partners who could not join us for the event, but still sent in a gift. We realized that our partners don’t need a big event to continue to partner with the ministry.

To meet the needs of our current partners and to introduce the ministry to new partners, we are working to host smaller, more focused events throughout the year. More information will be coming from the Outreach Team as these events are set.

In the meantime, would you like to take a moment to consider a gift to the ministry? All gifts are tax deductible.

You can give one of the following ways:

  • Online at by clicking on the “DONATE” button in the upper right hand corner. To be able to view your partnership with us “Log In.”
    • Don’t have an account? There is no need to sign in.
  • Return a check to 10801 Johnston Rd. STE 210, Charlotte, NC 28226.
  • Drop off a donation, in person, at the office (address above) – we would love to see you and hear your Finish the Work story.

Please continue to pray for Finish the Work as we enter this new season as a ministry.

Respectfully yours,

The Development Team
Gus Stallings – Team Leader
Raquel Cepeda – Team Member
Joel Davis – Team Member
Blair Shropshire – Team Member