“People Are Not Our Project”

October 14, 2015

As we continue to prepare for our trip to Honduras in 2016, this article is a good reminder. Take the time to read and process it before we go.

“As a zealous, young missionary I seemed to make the same mistake over and over. Now as a veteran, I find the same never-ending truth must remain continually before me.

People are not our projects.

We never set out to do this intentionally. Our mistakes are made in ignorance. Our desire is to do good, to help others, and bring change.

Even with these godly desires, we must remain ever careful to not walk in superiority and arrogance.

The message “I have something to give you” may be true, but must be balanced out with a healthy dose of humility and a learning spirit.”

Read the full article on A Life Overseas: The Missions Conversation, here: http://www.alifeoverseas.com/people-are-not-our-project/1537912_10152681091148549_4824703873026860325_o kimtonyval S2130074 S2150075