Maria’s Story

March 23, 2016


I can’t believe that two weeks went by so quickly! The time in El Eden, Honduras was absolutely amazing. God taught me so much through this mission journey, my team and the people we ministered to in Honduras. One thing God reminded me of, once again, was that we all can make an impact on people’s lives no matter how little we think we have to offer. All it truly takes is LOVE and compassion.


From the moment I arrived, and until the last day there, I was in awe of all the wonderful things that took place and the impact everyone there had on my life; it’s crazy to think the majority of the people I had just met. The kids, elderly and families – although extremely poor – had so much love to give. They were extremely appreciative for the little they have and truly put an enormous amount of joy in my heart. But most importantly, was the joy they received from being part of the construction and seeing their church and soup kitchen completed; it will, hopefully, provide meals for 50 children daily, as well as a lifetime of hope.



thumb_IMG_6258_1024My life will never be the same because of this trip! I’ve come home with a new calling on my life and look forward to 2016 brining in lots of exciting new things to come.S2760035

– Maria